I love pit bulls and think they are wonderful dogs. However there are many myths about the breed that are totally false. I have been searching around to find myths about them and hope to clarify them. Just because they have a bad rap with the media and politicians looking for people to support them so they take it out on dogs.

Pit Bulls have locking jaws -
It is incredible how many people believe this and it is simply not true. There is nothing unique about the anatomy of pit bull jaws compared to other breeds . They do not “lock.” The pit bull’s fighting style, like that of other terriers, usually involves grabbing and shaking. Perhaps because of their hunting and bull-baiting history, some pit bulls also have a tendency to grab and hold on with determination. This does not mean that they can’t or won’t let go of another dog once they bite. However, because they’re powerful dogs, pit bulls do have strong jaw muscles.

 Pit Bulls are Naturally Dog Aggressive -
Nope, Nope, Nope. Just because this dog was bred to fight does not mean it is naturally dog aggressive. The Bulldog was also bred to fight in the same pits and the bulls yet these are one of the kindest, relaxed dogs in the world. A study was done by the American Temperament Test Society and they have given pit bull terriers a very high passing rate of 90.6 percent in overall temperament. The average passing rate for the other 121 breeds of dogs in the tests was only a low 77 percent. They also concluded that Pit bulls have been proven to not be naturally aggressive. Almost any dog can be taught to be aggressive, and, there are many other breeds that are dangerous and can cause real injuries. However, the evidence shows clearly that this is not a dog problem, but a people problem. In the case of Pit bulls, tests show time and time again that this breed has a very bad rap and that they make one of the best dog breed options for families.

Aren't Pit Bulls MEAN and VICIOUS?
No more vicious than golden retrievers, beagles or other popular dogs! In yearly tests of over 240 dog breeds by the American Temperament Testing Society (ATTS), pit bulls consistently achieve a passing rate that's as good or better than the other most popular breeds.

MYTH: pit-bulls have a locking jaw and cannot let go once they bite.
TRUTH: pit-bulls have the same anatomical features as other dogs. They do not have locking jaws.

MYTH: animal aggression will soon turn to human aggression.
TRUTH: many types of dogs, especially those used for hunting will also display animal aggression. Pit-bulls were often used in similar ways as hunting and sport dogs so they will also sometimes display animal aggression. There is not necessarily a correlation between animal aggression and human aggression.

Now, lets looks at some FACTS and statistics:
It is estimated that there are between 10-15million American Pit Bull Terriers in the USA. If one is to believe the published studies regarding dog bites, there are an average of 3 fatal dog bite incidents involving pit-bulls each year. If pit-bulls were innately dangerous, there would be THOUSANDS of fatal incidents per year.

In shelter situations, dogs that do not pass temperament testing will not be put up for adoption - they are either placed in special rescues or euthanized.

Of all Pit-Bulls that are tested, they pass at a higher rate than the dog population in general.

Pit-Bulls, in fact, are not responsible for the largest number of fatal dog attacks.

Pit-bulls are not the dogs that inflict the most bites.

Pit-bulls pass temperament testing at a higher rate than any other dogs in general.

As with the whole "Bite statistics" it's difficult to find accurate ones. Here's why:

- "Pit bull type dogs" are sometimes blamed for attacks that occur by other breeds.
- the circumstances surrounding the attacks is not included.
- the condition in which the dogs are kept prior to the attacks are not included.
- unless it was a fatality, the severity of the bite is often not included.

Golden Retrievers actually currently rank #3 on the "bite parade" - actually beating the American Pit-Bull Terrier. So, If we're going to ban the APBT, why not ban the Goldens as well?

Why don't we hear of attacks from Chihuahuas? Jack Russell terriers? Lhasa apsos? Simple. Because the media isn't interested in ankle biters.

The media done for pit-bulls what 'Jaws' did for sharks - cause nothing but trouble.

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