Question on puppys first vet visit?
he is going this upcoming Thursday
im just so scared he is going to react to the vaccines or do I calm my fears?

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I mean allergic reaction

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Being scared is the worst thing you can do for your puppy. Dogs can sense your emotions and if he feels you are afraid he will see going as a negative. You have to treat the entire visit as a positive experience. Do what is best for him now or you will regret it for the rest of his life when you have to take him to the vet.

To calm yourself, visualize the whole process in your mind with a positive outcome. See it in your minds eye. Convince yourself this is what is going to happen instead of planning for the worst.

Asker's Comment:
thanks so much!
How to keep a dog from barking when someone rings the doorbell ?
Everytime someone comes and visits they ring the doorbell and she starts barking everytime i tell her ''no'' she wont stop any suggestionss??

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Set time aside for the training exercise, don't wait for someone to come to the door. Ring the doorbell yourself, when the dog comes running then stand in front of the door keeping her away from the door. Make her sit a set distance form the door and then open it. Do this training over and over again until it is a set behavior. Then get a friend to help by being the one to ring the doorbell and do the exercise over and over again. Eventually the dog will be conditioned to do this behavior when the doorbell is rung or knocked on. Another tip is to take the dog for a long walk before the training so she doesn't have pent up energy. A tired dog is easily trained.
I hope this helps
Why does my 3 month old pup keep getting erections so much?
I got him a month ago and he is a chow mixed with a German Shepard. Every time I see him he has one. Why does he keep getting erections? How do I make it stop? Is he to young to get him neutered? He is only 3 months old. Just a young pup. When I got a 6 month pup about 6 years ago he was never like that. Maybe every now and then. But now every single time I see my other dog. I didn't even get my 6 year old dog neutered or anything. Please help. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

He is just over exited to see you and is normal and will grow out of it. What you should be doing is to ignore the dog until he is in a calm submissive state. Only then give him affection. He will then learn that he will only be praised or given affection when he is in a certain state of mind. It is simple conditioning.

I hope this helps

Asker's Comment:
Thank you! :D