How can I get my dog to be happy outside? I have recently moved homes (against our will) and we haven't found a place of our own yet. We are staying with a friend but he won't let us take our dog in his house. We have her on a long leash, in a shady area, with a dog house near her. I walk her like 3-5 times a day, but when she is not walked, she cries, moans, and shouts nonstop until someone goes comfort her; then when they leave she starts at it again. I need help! I can hear her whining right now out my window. What can I do to make her happy again?

Additional Details @Rosalie

Did you only read part of the description? It said I was only staying at this house temporarily. I'm not just gonna give her away because she is unhappy for a couple of days. Your answer must have been the stupidest reply I have ever seen on this site; and I have seen some pretty dumb answers. So, don't take this in a good way or anything, but *** YOU!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker She has separation anxiety. Give her something of your with your scent. You should also practice her being on her own as much as you can. Leave her alone for five minutes then come back as if nothing happened. Don't give praise or affection. Treat it as if nothing happened. Do this over and over again increasing the length of time. Do not reenforce the behavior of her excitement of seeing you with praise and affection. Only give praise and affection when she is in a calm submissive state.

I hope this helps

Asker's Comment:
Thank you, that is very helpful.
March 26 2013

Is it normal for dogs to have obsessions?
My dog Sasha is just a puppy she is 9 months old and a chocolate brown labradoodle. She has a weird obsession though. I don't know if it normal. Sasha likes stuffed animals. Whenever we go to the dog store when she comes in she always pulls me to the stuffed animal section. She pulls down about 3 at a time and keeps handing them to me. At home we have about 50. She always keeps them beside her bed. Sometimes she picks them up and moves them around. She never goes anywhere without a stuffie. When i call her to eat she brings one and puts it beside her while she eats. When we go on walks she cries because she wants a stuffie and cries the whole way so I now stick to bringing her in the backyard where she can take one with her. Is this normal dog behaviour? Should I do something? What should I do? Additional Details She is trained she knows how to sit, give paw, lie down , roll over, stay etc. She is a great dog but she is obsessed with her stuffed animals. She listens to me all the time but she needs her stuffed animals. I don't mind having the 50 ish we have.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Dog obsessions are quite common and take many forms. If it doesn't bother you don't worry about it. If you find it a problem you need to correct the behavior. The first thing you have to remember is that you have a labradoodle which is half Labrador. Labradors are retrievers and they want to get things for you. Since she is nine months old and still a puppy a little training is all that is required. The first problem you have is that Sasha's attention is not on you but the toys. You need to set time aside to just train on this aspect. A good exercise is for you to place several of her toys around her and with her on a leash make her sit in the middle of the toys and make her look at you. If you haven't already done so teach her sit, stay, etc. The more you get her to focus on you the less she will focus on the toys. Play games with her without the toys present. You have to be the leader, dogs focus there attention on the leader of the pack. I hope this helps a little

Asker's Comment:Thank you!